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Word Processing System for Medical Reports

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Code: #26337

Supplier: Medavis GmbH

Word Processing System for Medical Reports.


  • Efficient Evaluation – Shorter Evaluation Times
    The medavis RIS offers you an INTEGRATED WORD PROCESSING with professional functionalities for writing reports flexibly and efficiently. For instance, you can create document templates with your letterhead and adjust them for different sites at all times. Simply select the desired tem- plate for writing a report and concentrate on the essential from the beginning.
    You can accelerate the report writing even more by storing often used phrases as text modules that you can later insert into your report text in a matter of seconds. You can also add important database and system data via database fields to your document automatically, e.g. patient and examination data.
    Spellchecking (optional)
    The SPELLCHECKER supports you in finding typing errors or unknown words and offers you correction suggestions. Both a dictionary for general vocabu- lary and for radiological vocabulary are included. Additional words can be added to the dictionary.
    SPELLCHECKER Functions
    - Check texts for wrong or unknown words
    - Correction suggestions via dialog window or context menu
    - Choose to check the whole document, a marked part or a text beginning from a marked position
    - Add unknown words to the workstation-specific user dictionary
    - Default dictionary and radiological dictionary in English
    - Other languages upon request
    Letters and Serial Letters (optional)
    The additional module “WORD PROCESSING” is an ideal tool for target-group-oriented letters and serial letters. If you wish to send a message to your referrers or information about your vacation times or christmas greetings to your patients, you simply and quickly write your letter and select the desired recipients.
    With medavis STATISTICS you can also analyse who your most frequent referrers are and select them as recipients for a mailing.
    - Creating (serial) letters in medavis RIS
    - Selection of certain recipients or recipient groups
    - Connection with medavis STATISTICS
    - Integrated document management

  • Integrated Word Processing Functions
    - Configurable document templates for different requirements and sites
    - Data fields with database and system data
    - Text modules for standard phrases
    - Page layout with header and footer
    - Flexible character and section formatting
    - Insert text, images, graphics, tables
    - Find and replace text
