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Teleradiology - Cross-Site Networking & Connected Workflow System

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Code: #26334

Supplier: Medavis GmbH

Networking and Communication with Patients and Referring Physicians.


  • A major challenge in radiology is the shortage of medical specialists. Moreover, radiologists tend to specialize frequently and preferably opt to work in larger cities or medical centers. Especially in rural areas, this frequently leads to prolonged journeys to the nearest radiological practice or specialist. Moreover, the field of radiology itself is becoming increasingly complex – mergers into steadily growing entities and networks are placing ever greater demands on the infrastructure.
    Thanks to cross-site networking, you can bundle your radiological expertise by creating reports regardless of where imaging is taken. Our teleradiology solutions provide you with tailored support.

  • RIS2RIS Teleradiology
    Our RIS2RIS teleradiology solution allows for the creation and delivery of reporting orders between sites via medavis RIS. Teleradiology orders are evaluated entirely within the familiar working environment with its full range of functions and with no additional administrative effort. An overview of all orders and their processing status is available at all times, as is information relevant to patient evaluation from connected systems such as HIS.
    WEBRIS Teleradiology
    Web2RIS teleradiology allows you to integrate facilities into your network that do not have medavis RIS in use. If external diagnostic services are needed at such a site, a teleradiology order can be created via a web interface and submitted to a linked medavis RIS for evaluation. The results are then made available to the client online.
    Main Teleradiology Platform
    The main teleradiology platform connecting all parties involved comprises the core of our solutions. Data exchange runs without any time delays and communication takes place in real time. Particularly for orders submitted to diagnostic pools, this platform proves itself to be indispensable. As soon as a user accepts an order for an evaluation, all other users from that pool are notified. The entire process is managed and operated centrally. Further sites or new collaborators can be integrated at will.

  • Benefits for Radiologists
    Evaluation in a Familiar Environment with a Full Scope of Functionality
    - Speech recognition, text modules, automatic image call, integrated template management, and much more
    - Receipt of reporting orders in real time including all information from the clinical request
    - Notification of new reporting orders
    Seamless Integration into Existing RIS Workflows
    - Creation of final as well as preliminary reports, e.g. for evaluation by assistant physicians
    - Corrective workflows for retrospective changes
    - Fully automated report transmission
    Benefits for Technicians
    Reporting Orders With Just a Few Clicks
    - Directly within the RIS workflow or via a web interface
    - Quick addition of further information such as anamneses, queries or commentaries
    - Available in multiple languages
    Rapid Receipt of Corresponding Reports
    - Report transmission in real time
    - Notification of report arrival
    Benefits for IT Managers
    Centralized Administration
    - Central management of teleradiology routes, sites, users
    - Simple network expansion
    - Live monitoring of all reporting orders
    Data Security and Data Protection
    - High data security (Security by Design)
    - GDPR-compliant data transfer
    - Privacy by Design & Privacy by Default
