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Diagnostic Patient Center

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Code: #26336

Supplier: Medavis GmbH

Diagnostic Patient Center.


  • Innovative HD Report Workstation
    With the DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT CENTER you can see your current report as well as patient data, context related information and the patient’s examination and report history at the same time. All relevant data for an optimised evaluation is available to you on the screen. Thus, you have a simple and complete overview and can access detailed information quickly and directly.
    All Data Always at a Glance
    You can always view prior reports or scanned documents, imported image data, lab results and much more in the digital patient record medavis MULTIMEDIA. The available data is presented clearly in a list. After selecting an entry, the desired information is instantly available – without interrupting your evaluation or dictation or even without switching program windows or the application.
    During other phases of the radiological workflow, it is also helpful to get a quick overview of all report relevant information of the patient without having to interrupt the current activity. Therefore, medavis RIS offers you the possibility to activate the DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT CENTER on several sites in the program.
    Flexible Display, Maximal Benefit
    Depending on the screen size and resolution, you can freely determine how much space you need for list overview and the preview area. The medavis RIS displays automatically the last selected view upon the next start. If necessary, you can deactivate and activate the display of the DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT CENTER with one mouse-click. All necessary information is instantly available again.

  • - You can always view all information at a glance
    - You have direct access to all detail information
    - You do not have to interrupt your current activity or switch applications
    - You can determine display position and size individually
