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Lifescreen Pro event screening system

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Code: #24689

Supplier: Spacelabs Healthcare

Lifescreen Pro event screening system.


  • The Spacelabs Lifescreen Pro Event Screening System is key to a high diagnostic yield for patients with suspected or intermittent arrhythmias, providing fast, assisted analysis when and where it’s needed so patients can continue on the care pathway as soon as possible. Interactive tools help refine this rich and relevant analysis with just a few clicks.
    Greater understanding, faster
    Lifescreen Pro saves analysis time and can provide a result soon after the recorder is returned. Use it to triage recordings, providing very fast results for a large proportion of recordings. Lifescreen Pro is an element of Spacelabs Runway™ architecture, so you can integrate it into your information ecosystem with ease.

    With Spacelabs, recordings and reports can be moved freely between recorders and analysis systems before being passed to the EMR for wider access.Use Lifescreen Pro for event screening and triaging of Holter recorder data. Lifescreen Pro can also pass more complex ECG segments to the Pathfinder® SL Holter Analysis System for more in-depth analysis evaluation, sometimes avoiding the need for a second recording.
    Help patients give you the information you need
    The smartphone app makes it easy for your patients, including younger people with high levels of physical fitness, to select and record events. Bluetooth connectivity allows the recorder to embed the event text right into the recording, avoiding the need to read and manually enter patient event data from a paper diary, saving time and helping to avoid transcription errors.
    Simple, relevant reports
    Edit events and generate reports for immediate distribution to other clinicians or the patient record, or review with a patient using the convenient results dashboard. Lifescreen Pro is suited to triaging Holter and Patch recordings, reducing turnaround times and identifying segments of particular interest.
    Go in-depth when needed
    Lifescreen Pro can pass segments of Holter recordings to Pathfinder SL for more in-depth analysis, which may speed up detailed diagnosis and avoid the need for a second recording.
    Work where you want to
    Save time and effort by preparing the recording and downloading, analyzing, and reporting from whichever physical location you prefer. The Spacelabs Sentinel® Cardiology Information Management System can be accessed from any web client, so you can use desktop, tablet, or mobile workstations to work from other rooms in the hospital, community clinics, family practice, or scanning centers.
