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X-ray sources

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Code: #20233

Supplier: Anton Paar GmbH

X-ray sources for brilliant and reliable X-ray analysis


  • X-ray sources are the heart of every X-ray analytical instrument. They generate the required X-ray radiation for structure analysis in various fields of material and life sciences.

    X-ray sources must offer perfect thermal stability for excellent position stability of the X-ray beam and high intensity, even at low power levels. The design has to guarantee easy integration into advanced X-ray equipment paired with straightforward operation to keep uptimes high and guarantee maximum radiation safety for operators and equipment.

    Anton Paar’s X-ray source is your compact and robust solution which fulfills all these requirements.

  • Premium X-ray beam brilliance at low power

    Anton Paar’s microfocus sealed-tube X-ray source, Primux 100 micro, combines a new generation X-ray tube with a superior high-voltage generator, thus providing a highly brilliant X-ray beam in a power range of up to 50 Watt.

    High thermal stability due to proprietary water-cooled tube jacket

    Anton Paar’s design guarantees fluctuation-free intensity of the X-ray beam. This results in an excellent position stability of the X-ray beam and extends the X-ray tube’s lifetime.

    Straightforward integration into X-ray equipment

    Time-consuming integration into third-party equipment is obsolete with Anton Paar’s X-ray source. Moreover, the replacement of the X-ray tube is easy and keeps downtimes of the analytical instrument to a minimum.

    Clever design – minimum distance between tube and optics

    Tight mounting of X-ray optics at a minimum distance from the tube center ensures the maximum possible intensity. Preventing intensity loss results in brilliant outcomes at the maximum power. Automatic power ramp-up and shutdown routines guarantee smooth operation of the maintenance-free X-ray source and high uptime of your X-ray analytical equipment.

    Multiple safety circuits for maximum protection of user and equipment

    The X-ray source complies with all regulations for use in X-ray analytical instruments and prevents the emission of X-ray radiation during operation. Different integral safety devices, such as a thermo switch monitoring the X-ray tube temperature, guarantee maximum protection of the user and a long lifetime of the equipment.
