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ShockEvent T Temperature-Shock Test Chambers

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Code: #26355

Supplier: Weiss Technik

ShockEvent T Temperature-Shock Test Chambers.


  • ShockEvent T is a dual-chamber vertical shock. It compresses the “transfer zone” between the cold and hot zones with a transfer time. Between these two chambers, a basket with the test material moves at a certain speed. The time it takes to move the basket is the transfer time.
    In short, between the hot and cold chambers, it allows endurance tests of over 1,000 cycles to be run without defrosting. All thermal shock test chambers use R449A refrigerant, making testing future-proof for you, as well as highly environmentally and service friendly.
    - If required, the standard temperature range of +220 °C can be extended to +250 °C.
    - Feedthrough with 125 mm diameter possible
    - The variable transfer time of the basket between hot/cold chamber allows for easy determination of the optimum stress condition.
    - Different program modes (Normal Mode, Time Saving Mode, Green Mode)

  • Basic Data
    Performance Data
