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TRACE 1800 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

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Code: #20288

Supplier: Aurora Biomed


  • The TRACE 1800 is a high-performance atomic absorption system. The combination of D2 and Smith-Hietfje background correction techniques alongside 1800 line/mm optic grating gives clear, consistent results. The instrument is supplied with an 8 lamp motorized array which offers the highest sensitivity on the market. The TRACE 1800 has the most versatile autosampler and combined with the fast dry technology completely removes sample splatter, shortens the analysis time and gives rise to unparalleled detection.

  • System Configuration

    F/GF, F/GF/VG


    1800 line/mm

    Wavelength Scan Rate

    1200 nm/min


    8 Lamp 2-D Motorized Array

    GF Video

    Standard GF Operation Monitor

    Patented Micro Volume Flame Analysis

    Sample volumes as low as 20µl for flame



  • Peak Performance: The 300mm focal length, full wavelength range optics provide the highest levels of accuracy and reproducibility with unmatched sensitivity on the market.

    Automatic switch between atomizer layouts: Using the software to change atomizer configurations removes the need for manual intervention, giving you complete ease of use.

    Unparalleled background correction: Utilizing both the deuterium and Smith-Hieftje background correction yields high intensity and truly efficient, time reducing analysis. The 1000 Hz modulation frequency is used for essential accurate correction.

    Quick and easy lamp upkeep: The lamps are easily accessible for simple adjustments and replacements, removing the need to completely disassemble the instrument.

    Unrestricted throughput: The integrated autosampler is compatible with all types of labware on the market, giving you the confidence to stick with your tried and tested equipment.
