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Thermo plus EVO2 (TMA/HUM) humidity controlled thermomechanical analyzer

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 581
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Code: #17803

Supplier: Rigaku Corporation

The compact humidity generator is connected to the TMA for measurements under water vapor atmosphere with a constant relative humidity. This system is for water vapor generation at ambient or above ambient temperatures.


  • It adopts the polymer type humidity sensor and high precision temperature sensor, its response to various water vapor concentrations is quick and stability for longer measurement is realized. The setting of the relative humidity is achieved by the PC station and synchronizes with the temperature program. For standard furnace, it can measure from dry to 90%RH at ambient temperature; and from dry to 90%RH using the specialized furnace at ambient to 60°C through the circulator temperature control.

  • Humidity generation method

    Bubbling bath/ dry gas combination method

    Humidity range

    Ambient to 60°C, Dry to 90% RH

    Humidity sensor

    Polymer type relative humidity sensor

    Temperature measurement element

    Pt resistance temperature sensor

    Duration for continuous humidity generation

    60°C, 90% RH for 100 hrs continuously

    1. Measurement data protection function
    During measurement, when a connection error occurs between the station and the module, the module will continue to perform the on-going measurement and the data will be stored in the module. The stored data is retrieved using a PC after the measurement, protecting valuable measurement data.
    2. End operation settings function
    The ECO mode or power OFF can be selected after the end of measurement. The temperature and time condition can be specified.
    We can select a variety of operation condition of the attached forced air-cooling fan such as cool up to room temperature, not in use on continuous usage.
    3. ECO mode
    After completing measurement, the ECO mode can be selected in the stand-by condition reducing the electricity consumption.
    Especially in TG-DTA, the ECO mode facilitates immediate transition from stand-by to stable measurement conditions.
    4. First aid function
    When an error or problem occurs in the module, the error number, error description as well as troubleshooting measures will be displayed facilitating a quick and smooth recovery condition. Also the error contents are stored in log files and can be readily sent to the technical service department for an immediate appropriate response.
    5. ASCII data import function
    Using the conversion software, the Thermo plus EVO2 analysis software can analyze carious ASCII converted measurement data.
    6. E-mail function
    The Thermo plus EVO2 can transmit information by email such as end of measurement, measurement data, occurrence of an error to PC, mobile phones thru corporate LAN connection abs can confirm the condition of an on-going measurement at remote locations.
    7. Excel, Word output
    From the menu directly, the measurement file can be directly exported in Word or Excel. Also, the output style can be modified thru the layout editing function. When exporting data in Excel, the numerical data will be automatically created in the worksheet 2 allowing a convenient data analysis in other application software.
    8. Instrument usage history listing function
    This function automatically records the module’s usage. Information such as date of usage, module name, operator, temperature program and measurement results are filed and saved in the achieve list. The history use of the module and the time of use are clear and effective for management and maintenance.
