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Latex Stability Test Apparatus

( 1 rates ) 774
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Code: #15889

Vietnamese version

Supplier: Nguyen Quynh Anh Equipment & Chemicals Co., Ltd

Secomak (formerly Klaxon Signals Ltd) are the only worldwide manufacturers of the Klaxon Latex Stability Testing Machine. 


  • The machines are used to determine the mechanical stability of natural or synthetic latex to the following standards:
    • BS 6057 PART 3 SECTION 3.1 (ISO 35) and BS 6057 PART 3 SECTION 3.14 (ISO 2006).
    • ASTM Designation D1076 - 88 Standard Specification for Rubber - Concentrated, Ammonia Preserved, Creamed and Centrifuged Natural Latex.
    • ASTM Designation D1417 - 90 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Latices - Synthetic
    The latex rubber stability testing apparatus tests the mechanical stability of concentrated natural and synthetic latex rubber when subjected to high speed mechanical stirring or mechanical shear.Stirring is applied to the latex rubber at a constant of 14,000 rpm until the end point, or latex instability is reached.The approach to the end point is usually indicated by a drop in meniscus of the latex, loss of turbulence and a change in the sound of stirring action.
    The end point is clearly determined by the first appearance of small pieces of coagulated rubber in the testing sample. This end point is confirmed by the presence of an increased amount of coagulated rubber after 15 seconds additional rotation. The end point in this case is the presence of approximately 1% of coagulum based on total solids.

    The Latex Rubber Test Machine has a highly reliable series wound motor which is electronically controlled and incorporates a feedback system to accurately maintain the selected speed. It comes complete with visual confirmation in the form of coloured LEDs and is supported by a matt black aluminium bracket on a chrome plated column.

    The glass (synthetic) or perspex (natural) beaker is retained on its aluminium table which is height adjustable using the moulded hand wheel.

    The apparatus is mounted on hard sponge rubber pads set into the black stove-enamelled cast iron base and is fully protected for use in tropical climates

    • Electronic speed control
    • Closed loop
    • Fully compensated voltage and loading
    • Quartz Referencing
    • Sealed for life Bearings
    • Designed for easy operation
