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GemRam Raman spectrometer

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Code: #19259

Supplier: B&W Tek, Inc.

The GemRam™ is a lightweight, portable Raman spectrometer dedicated to both the verification of known gemstones as well as the identification of unknown gemstones.


  • It comes equipped with B&W Tek’s GemID™ identification software, powered by GemExpert’s spectral library of greater than 450 different gemstones, as well as unlimited space for user-defined spectra that can be added at any time.
    The GemRam utilizes a spectrum stabilized 785nm diode laser and high-resolution TE cooled spectrometer to provide unrivaled performance and repeatability. It comes complete with a fiber optic probe, X-Y-Z positioning stage, all in a convenient carrying case.

  • GemID Software
    B&W Tek's GemID identification software allows you to navigate your GemRam™ Raman spectrometer using user-friendly icons and instructions. You can easily choose to verify a known gemstone or identify an unknown gemstone by measuring the spectrum of the gemstone, then comparing it with that of the GemExpert library included in the software. You can also view the general spectra and results of your measurement independent of the library, or add an unlimited amount of your spectra to the library to use for future comparisons.
    GemExpert Library
    B&W Tek's exclusive GemID identification software, preloaded in every GemRam™, is powered by GemExpert's spectral library of more than 450 different gemstones. The library contains gemstone images and spectra for all classes, including borates, carbonates, halides, native elements, oxides, phosphates, silicates, sulfates, and sulfides. Different varieties of each gemstone from around the world are also available in the GemExpert library.
