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Bruker Evoq GC-TQ

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Code: #20531

Supplier: Axel Semrau GmbH & Co. KG

Robust Triple Quad technology for sensitive detection in complex matrices


  • The triple quadrupole technology has found its way into many GC/MS laboratories in recent years. The EVOQ Triple Quad GC/MS system takes this development into account. It has been consistently optimized in terms of robustness, sensitivity and ease of use.

    The EVOQ™ GC-TQ has an ion source that is particularly stable and powerful due to its axial geometry. The ions formed there are focused in a curved Q0 (ion guide) by helium before they enter the first quadrupole. To reduce the susceptibility of the system to interference, the Q0 is heated. Q0, Q1, collision cell (Q2) and Q3 are connected without lenses. This also increases the robustness of the system and reduces the need for maintenance and device tuning.

    The ions are detected in a detector that has a particularly large linear range (up to 6 decades) thanks to EDR (Extended Dynamic Range) technology. This allows large concentration ranges to be analyzed without additional dilution steps. The elliptical design of the EVOQ GC-TQ allows a compact construction and improves sensitivity by masking neutral particles.

    • The Full Scan mode allows the acquisition of complete spectra, comparable to a single quad.
    • The SIM mode detects a single or multiple ions, comparable to the SIM/MIM of the Single Quad Mass Spectrometer.
    • The MRM mode selects a fixed ion in Q1 and a fixed ion resulting from the collision in Q3. This is the operating mode used for routine measurements in difficult matrices.
    • The precursor mode allows to investigate unknown analytes for specific ions for functional groups. For this purpose, one ion is fixed in Q3 and the entire precursor spectrum is scanned in Q1. A signal is thus generated in the detector whenever a characteristic daughter ion is formed.
    • The product mode allows to obtain structural information about the molecular ion (or other precursor ions). An ion is defined in Q1, Q3 travels over a predefined mass range and thus records a complete daughter spectrum.
    • The neutral loss mode allows the specific determination of functional groups or heteroatoms. Q1 travels over a mass range, Q3 as well, but the current selected ion in Q3 is always smaller than the one selected in Q1 by a fixed offset. A signal is always generated when a precisely defined mass fragment is split off in the collision (e.g. 35 amu for the loss of a Cl atom).

    The EVOQ GC-TQ system can be combined with two different gas chromatographs. The GC 436 supports two injection systems and an analog detector and its compact design makes it the ideal solution for all laboratories with limited space. The GC 456 can accommodate up to three injection systems and up to three additional analogue detectors. For technical details and information on sensitivities, please refer to the product information.
