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WIBOjekt® Biological Safety Cabinets

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Code: #26397

Supplier: Weiss Technik

WIBOjekt® Biological Safety Cabinets.


  • Nowadays, companies, laboratories, institutes and universities from the most varied industrial and scientific sectors work with materials that can be harmful to health. Anywhere where employees and areas need to be protected against released product dusts and gases, you are safe with equipment from Weiss Technik’s WIBOjekt® Biological Safety Cabinet range. Our innovative air curtain technology is suitable for a wide variety of applications.
    The WIBOjekt® biosafety cabinets contain ejector nozzles that are coupled with stabilisers to ensure a safe clean air curtain, which shields the working area from the surrounding area in a targeted manner. The air which flows through the outlets captures pollutants such as airborne product particles or gases and guides these to the suctioning device. By doing this, the WIBOjekt® air flow control principle guarantees optimal protection of persons and areas.
    Devices using a WIBOjekt® biocontainment technology require considerably less exhaust air in comparison with conventional extraction systems and at the same time, they provide the highest quality of capture and extraction. As a result, you save operating costs and energy. Numerous application scenarios in industrial, medical and pharmaceutical areas of use can be successfully and reliably solved with our WIBOjekt® safety workstations.
    The WIBOjekt® laboratory workbench corresponds with the requirements of the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) stipulated in the Gefahrstoffverordnung (GefStoffV) [Ordinance on Hazardous Substances]. This value determines at which average concentration a substance in the air in the workstation is not expected to pose acute or chronic damage to health, weighted according to time.
    Optimal protection of operators and surrounding Areas thanks to:
    - Co-ordinated ejector nozzles
    - Stable clean air curtain
    - Extraction of airborne particles and gases
    - Targeted capture of pollutants
    - Robust retention capacity based on DIN EN 14175-3
    Suitable for all sectors:
    - Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
    - Cosmetics and food industry
    - Laboratories, institutes, universities
    - Hospitals, pathologies and medical engineering
    - Optical and electronics industry
    - Automotive
    - Nanotechnology
    - Micromechanics and system engineering
