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HYPERION II FT-IR and QCL Microscope

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Code: #22198

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Infrared microscopy at the physical diffraction limit of light. Combines QCL and FT-IR technology into one instrument to create new possibilities.


  • The HYPERION II is an innovation force in infrared microscopy. It provides IR imaging down to the diffraction limit and sets the benchmark in ATR microscopy. It combines FT-IR and Infrared Laser Imaging (ILIM) microscopy for the first time ever in a single device, offering all three measurement modes: transmission, reflection, and ATR.
    HYPERION II applications:
    Life science | cell imaging
    Emissivity studies (e.g. LEDs)
    Failure and Root Cause Analysis
    Industrial R&D
    Polymers & Plastics
    Surface characterization

  • Selection of detectors for µ-FT-IR:
    Broad-, mid, narrow-band LN2-MCTs,
    thermoelectrically cooled (TE) MCT.
    Focal-plane array detector for infrared imaging (64 x 64 or 128 x 128 pixel).
    Optional QCL implementation by Laser Infrared Imaging Module (ILIM, laser class 1)
    Objective lens selection: 3.5x/15x/36x/74x IR, 20x ATR, 15x GIR, 4x/40x VIS.
    Spectral range extension – from Near-Infrared (NIR) to Far-Infrared (FIR)
    Selection of apertures: manual knife-edge, automated knife-edge aperture wheel. Metal apertures for NIR
    Selection of accessories and sample stages: macro IR imaging accessory, cooling/heating stage, sample compartment, etc.
    Selection of visual/optical tools: Darkfield illumination, Fluorescence illumination, VIS polarizers, IR polarizers, etc.

  • Perfect match of spectral and visual images. Applies to any measurement mode (including ATR imaging).
    Diffraction limited high sensitivity FT-IR microscopy and imaging by using focal plane array (FPA) detector.
    First ever combination of FT-IR and QCL technology by (optional) Infrared Laser Imaging Module (ILIM, laser class 1).
    Infrared laser imaging in all measurement modes (ATR, Transmission, Reflectance).
    Patented coherence reduction for artifact free Laser Imaging measurements without sensitivity or speed loss.
    High imaging speeds:
    0.1 mm2per second (FPA, full spectrum)
    6.4 mm2 per second (ILIM, single wavenumber)
    Optional TE-MCT detector to perform IR microscopy with high spatial resolution and sensitivity without liquid Nitrogen.
    Emission spectroscopy capability and optional spectral range extensions.
