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MATRIX-MF - FT-IR Reaction Monitoring

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Code: #22199

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Rugged and compact FT-IR spectrometer for measuring measure chemical reactions in laboratory and/or process environments.


  • Bruker's MATRIX-MF FTIR spectrometer expands the proven MATRIX series product line utilizing the information rich mid-IR region for use in both laboratory and process environments. The MATRIX-MF is a process ready FTIR spectrometer that is ideal for real-time monitoring and analysis of chemical and biological reactions.

  • Fiber Optic Probes
    The combination of the ATR (attenuated total refection) sampling technique and the light guiding fiber optics enhances the use of infrared spectroscopy. Fiber optic probes enable in-situ measurements, which helps fully utilize the benefits of the information rich mid-IR spectroscopy. A wide range of probe adaptations, including the patented IN350T diamond ATR probe, can be attached to the unit for in-situ analysis.
    The fiber probes combine a two reflection ATR probe head with the excellent performance of MIR-silver halide fibers.
    IN350-T: Diamond ATR fiber probe
    (Ø 6 mm), also for use in ATEX areas
    IN351: Diamond Micro ATR fiber probe (Ø 3.17 mm)
    IN355: Diamond ATR fiber probe (Ø 6.3 mm)
    IN356-EX: Diamond ATR fiber probe
    (Ø 12 mm), also for use in ATEX areas 
