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DNP nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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Code: #22204

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

The world’s first commercially available dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP-NMR) systems for enhanced sensitivity of solid-state NMR. All Bruker DNP-NMR spectrometers enable extended solid-state NMR experiments with unsurpassed sensitivity for exciting new applications in biomolecular research, material science, and pharmaceuticals.


  • Signal enhancements range from a factor of 20 to 400, driven by microwave irradiation to transfer polarization from unpaired electron spins to nuclear spins.
    Polarization enhancement yields a factor of up to 200 gain in sensitivity for solid-state NMR
    A 263 GHz klystron is also available for DNP experiments at 400 MHz, delivering top-notch signal enhancements at a lower cost and with reduced infrastructure requirements.

  • Low sample temperature (~ 100 K)
    Cold sample coil and RF circuit
    3.2 mm MAS rotor (15 kHz max at 100 K)
    WB triple or double resonance probe (HCN, HXY, or HX NMR circuits)
    Insert/eject of cold samples
    Dry low-temperature nitrogen gas supply
    3 cold gas lines: bearing, drive and VT
    The automatic refill of liquid nitrogen supply
    Waveguide for microwave irradiation
    Long term operation (days, weeks)
