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Code: #22216

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Self-calibrating, fully automated surface metrology for data storage


  • The HD9800+ 3D Large Format Surface Profiling System is the world's most advanced optical profiler for in-line data storage slider metrology. The system combines the gauge-capable optical characterization technology with advanced automation to enable optimized PTR and flatness measurement performance. HD9800+ incorporates decades of industrial HD metrology experience using white light interferometry (WLI), self-calibration, LED high-intensity illumination, operator-friendly software, and a host of other features to provide the robust, high-resolution, non-destructive performance that data storage manufacturers need to improve process quality and increase yield.

  • Dual Accu Phase (DAP) software delivers absolute PTR metrology correlation to baseline AFM benchmarks for variable material sliders
    Fast Tip/Tilt Mode provides easiest operational capability and best repeatability for 24x7 production runs
    SureVision software enables etch depth and position measurements without operator intervention via automatic pattern recognition of features of interest
    Advanced software analyses offers a broad range of additional functionality
    Light tower highlights operational status to factory floor personnel
    Bar code scanner delivers streamlined material and workflow handling
