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MediSmarts On-line Radiation Monitoring System

( 2 rates ) 789
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Code: #17822

Supplier: Israel Economic and Trade Mission in Vietnam

The MediSmarts system is designed to measure and collect radiation data automatically and continuously from cyclotron facilities, radiochemistry laboratories, treatment rooms and PET Centers. Radiation is monitored by a variety of detectors and results are transferred through a series of monitoring channels to a central computer located in the control room.


  • PET Monitoring and Nuclear Medical Departments
    Our Area Radiation Monitoring is based on field proven, highly reliable radiation detectors, Data Processing Units and unique Computer Software. The system
    provides real time on line radiation levels. The data is used for both radiation safety and improving the site operation.
    - Stack Monitoring with quantitative activity release measurement.
    - Area Monitoring.
    - Production Monitoring.
    - Comprehensive radiation analysis software.
    - Site Safety Control.
    - Automatic Activity Release Report.
    - Automatic calculation of the total activity for selected period of time.
    The Basic Monitoring Channel consists of:
    • Data Processing Unit (DPU)
    • Detector
    • Connection Box
    • Cables
    • Optional Local Alarm Unit
    • Optional Remote Display Unit

  • Some Monitoring Channels:
    1. GM-41 Area Monitoring Channel
    Used in the Cyclotron vault and in the Hot Cells. Can be set to report activity and is useful to measure the activity before the material is moved out of the Hot cell into the Dose Calibrator. (dose and dose rate)
    Measuring Range: 1 μSv/h to 1 Sv/h (0.1 mR/h to 100 R/h)
    2. GM-42 Area Monitoring Channel
    Used in the Radiochemistry Lab, Control Room, Q.A. Dept, Radiopharmacy and other rooms to measure general radiation (dose and dose rate).
    Measuring Range: 0.1 μSv/h to 10 mSv/h (0.01 mR/h to 1 R/h)
    3. PM-11 Stack Monitoring Channel
    High Sensitivity detector used in the Exhaust Stack to measure radioisotope releases, down to the 10-7μCi/cc regulatory requirements. Combined with online readings from the flow meter, provides full reporting on released concentration and amounts.
    Measuring range: 0 to 50,000 cps
    4. Neutron Monitoring Channel
    Used in cyclotron and accelerator sites to measure the neutron flux during the activation period. Can be fixed as part of a Monitoring Channel and together with our RAM DA-2000 as a portable survey meter.
