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Broadband CryoProbe

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 406
Price : Call

Code: #22210

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Highest NMR sensitivity for the periodic table of NMR - The BBO CryoProbe offers the highest commercially available sensitivity for the broadest range of nuclei, designed for both observe and inverse detection.


  • The BBO CryoProbe is designed for highest sensitivity on the broadest range of nuclei. Besides 1H and 19F, all NMR nuclei in the range 31P to 15N can be observed, except the frequency range between 199Hg and 153Eu. All of these nuclei can be automatically selected and optimally tuned and matched by using the ATM option.

  • BBFO CryoProbe
    Sensitivity increase by a factor of 3 to 4* in the range 31P to 15N
    Sensitivity increase by a factor of 3* on 1H
    Two fully independent channels (plus lock channel)
    Optimal quality on experiments with 1H observation with 19F decoupling (and vice-versa)
    Cold preamplifiers for all nuclei (BB-range, 19F, 1H and 2H)
    Cooled 2H preamplifier for excellent stability
    Fitted with an actively shielded single axis Z-gradient for 5 mm sample diameters
    Standard sample temperature range -40°C – 150°C
    ATM compatible
    BBO H&F CryoProbe
    Sensitivity increase by a factor of more than 4* in the range 31P to 15N
    Sensitivity increase by a factor of more than 3* on 1H
    Sensitivity increase by a factor of more than 6* on 19F
    Two fully independent channels (plus lock channel)
    Optimal quality on experiments with BB observation with 1H or 19F decoupling (and vice-versa)
    Cold preamplifiers for all nuclei (BB-range, 1H and 19F, 2H)
    Cooled 2H preamplifier for excellent stability
    Fitted with an actively shielded single axis Z-gradient for 5 mm sample diameters
    Standard sample temperature range -40°C – 150°C
    ATM compatible
