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CryoProbe Prodigy

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 488
Price : Call

Code: #22207

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

CryoProbe™ Prodigy changes routine NMR into nitrogen NMR, enabling enormous sensitivity at an affordable price


  • The broadband (BBO) configuration of the Prodigy enables time-consuming heteronuclear NMR experiments to be performed up to ten times faster, expanding on the versatility and flexibility known from broadband RT probes. In addition proton or fluorine detected experiments will benefit from the doubling in signal to noise.
    Hence, the CryoProbe Prodigy will enable small molecule routine labs in academia and the pharmaceutical and chemical industries to drastically increase their sample throughput. As the Prodigy package comprises in addition to the probe just a control unit and a liquid nitrogen vessel, siting is easy and no additional infrastructure is required. Combined with an optional automatic tuning accessory (ATMA), the Prodigy has the potential to become the probe of choice for routine industrial and academic labs alike.

  • CryoProbe Prodigy TCI features
    Triple resonance with 2H decoupling
    S/N gain 1H: factor ~2.5*
    Cold preamplifiers for 1H, 2H & 13C
    Available at 500, 600 and 700 MHz
    ATM compatible
    -40°C – 150°C
    CryoProbe Prodigy BBO features
    Observe & Inverse detection in full automation
    15N-31P, 1H & 19F
    S/N gain 15N-31P: factor ~2 to 3x
    S/N gain 1H: factor ~2x
    Cold preamplifiers for all nuclei (BB/1H/2H)
    Available at 400, 500, 600 and 700 MHz
    ATM compatible
    -40°C – 150°C
