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TXO Triple Resonance Probes

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Code: #22211

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Expanding the range of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy The family of triple resonance observe CryoProbes, optimized either for 13C or 15N detection, reveals new possibilities for studding the most challenging biological systems: intrinsically disordered proteins, large molecular complexes and in-cell NMR.


  • TXO CryoProbes with integrated cooled preamplifiers for 1H, 13C, 15N and 2H allows considerable progresses in 13C/15N direct detection for biomolecular NMR applications. In addition, observe probe geometry results in 1H channel being less affected by detrimental high-salt effects at higher field strengths. This makes TXO probes compatible, in terms of 1H sensitivity, to TCI probes at physiological and higher salt concentration.
    In conjunction with the latest GHz-magnets and novel 15N direct-detect NMR methods, the CryoProbe makes direct 15N detection sensitive and advantageous in very large globular proteins and in IDPs due to the longer relaxation times, high resolution and low chemical shift anisotropy of 15N spectra.

  • •Highest sensitivity for 13C or 15N direct detection
    •Operating frequencies 400-1200 MHz (1H frequency)
    •Four fully independent 1H, 2H, 13C and 15N channels with integrated cooled preamplifiers
    •Simultaneous decoupling of up to three nuclei.
    •Cooled 2H preamplifier for excellent stability
    •Fitted with an actively shielded single axis Z-gradient for 5 mm sample diameters
    •Standard sample temperature range -40°C – 150°C
    •ATM and CryoFit compatible
    •Probe of choice for the most challenging bio-NMR applications at 800 MHz and above
