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Near Infrared Spectrum Instrumen CNIR-SD

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Code: #19075

Supplier: CMVC International GmbH

CNIR-SD Near Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer: Makes tedious raw material testing a thing of the past.


  • The CNIR-SD Near Infrared (NIR) spectrometer is specifically designed for analytical operations in the pharmaceutical industry.

    The system integrates a proven reference database that allows users to quickly identify raw materials used in most pharmaceutical industries in seconds.

    With the CNIR-SD analysis system, users can perform difficult routine routine analysis in an ultra-fast manner; in the incoming inspection area, prevent excessive accumulation of unqualified products and prevent occupation of the staff's working space.

    Rapid analysis improves efficiency and makes it easy for staff to deliver work reports in a timely manner.

    MEMS scanning grating technology

    CNIR-SD's technology uses innovative near-infrared spectroscopy. At the heart of this system is the patented MEMS scanning grating technology developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems in Dresden.

    MEMS technology is a versatile process application technology. Near-infrared light illuminates the material to be analyzed and penetrates deep into the sample, eliminating the need for special sample preparation. In addition, large volumes of samples can be detected, not just the surface of the sample. The characteristic signals of the analyte are generated by the reflected light, and then the reflected light carrying the sample signal can be analyzed by the spectrometer to identify the material. The QuickStep software is integrated into the CNIR-SD analysis system, which first compares the acquired spectra with the reference spectra in the database and then displays the results of the identification test.

  • Wavelength range: 1000-1900 nm; 

    Resolution: 10 nm; Stray light: <0.2%;

    Measurement time: <5 s; 

    Detector: InGaAs single detector; 

    Light source: Halogen tungsten lamp, diffuse reflection, MEMS scanning grating technology

  • Complete raw material testing in a few seconds, in line with the European Pharmacopoeia monograph R 2.2.40 and German pharmacy business regulations sections 6 and 11.

     The most comprehensive, fully validated standard database, including sound evidence, 100% specificity, and traceable validation of pharmaceutical ingredients.

    More than 1,100 pharmaceutical ingredients in the database – including solids, semi-solids/liquids, pastes, particulates, and various pharmaceuticals (including a transparent document in PDF format with more than 4000 pages of validation reports).

    Automatically create records and labels for sample containers (in accordance with German pharmacy regulations).

    Continuous batch processing, in line with the European Pharmacopoeia monograph 2.2.40.

    Removable – can be used in multiple pharmacies (no need to connect directly to the internet).

    Simple and clear user interface – you can enter batch details, PZN (National Drug Serial Number) and testers, etc.

    Includes exhaustive search options for retrieving relevant data.

    No cross-contamination – no contamination from the original material during sample testing.

    Automated self-test process – automatic internal calibration.
