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Magnetic Resonance Microscopy

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 399
Price : Call

Code: #22214

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Bruker Magnetic Resonance Microscopy systems provide optimal sample handling not limited to only ex-vivo specimens and non-organic samples but also small animals for in-vivo investigations.


  • Magnetic Resonance Microscopy is a technology routinely utilized in MRI machines in hospitals, with a focus on imaging small samples in the range of 0.5 – 66 mm with imaging resolutions down to 10 x 10 x 10 µm3 (1 picoliter). This resolution is achieved by combining Bruker’s market leading magnetic resonance high field, vertical bore (standard to super-wide bore) systems with the state-of-the art imaging accessory.
    Bruker Magnetic Resonance Microscopy systems provide optimal sample handling not limited to only ex-vivo specimens and non-organic samples but also small animals for in-vivo investigations. Bruker’s state-of-the-art animal handling accessories for wide bore probes cover a broad range of functions namely anesthesia, physiological parameter control, temperature and flow control etc, that cover most experimental methodologies for in-vivo imaging.

  • 3 x Great 60 amplifiers
    • Linear current amplifier 100 V 60 A
    • Digital preemphasis and B0 compensation
    • Current blanking
    • Digital signal distribution to eliminate interference from ground connections
    • 1 µs timing resolution
    • 20 bit amplitude resolution
    • Gradient coil supervision (power / temperature)
