i-Raman spectrometer

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Code: #19260

Supplier: B&W Tek, Inc.

The i-Raman is part of our award-winning line of portable Raman spectrometers. It delivers high resolution combined with field-portability, providing performance comparable to large benchtop Raman systems while only weighing less than 7 lbs. The system’s small footprint, lightweight design and low power consumption (optional battery) provide research grade Raman capabilities anywhere.


  • The i-Raman offers 532nm and 785nm excitation wavelength standard and high resolution configurations measuring from 65 cm-1 to 4000 cm-1. All i-Raman systems feature a TE-cooled CCD detector, allowing for the maximum effective integration time of several minutes. This makes the i-Raman an economical solution for many Raman applications such as teaching, product development, materials science research and quality control.
    - Art & Archaeology
    - Bioscience and Medical Diagnosis
    - Education and Teaching
    - Forensic Analysis
    - Gemology
    - Geology and Mineralogy
    - Materials Science
    - Pharmaceutical Development and Quality Control
    - Polymers and Chemical Processes
    - Raman Microscopy
    - SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) 

  • - Spectral resolution of 3.5 cm-1
    - 150 cm-1 of the Rayleigh Line (65 cm-1 Option Available)
    - Wide Raman shift coverage
    - Patented CleanLaze® technology for laser stabilization and narrow linewidth
    - TE-Cooled 2048 pixel array
    - Fiber optic interface for convenient sampling
