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Hysitron TI Premier Nanoindenter

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Code: #22218

Supplier: Bruker Corporation

Versatile nanomechanical test instrument for advanced material characterization


  • Bruker’s Hysitron TI Premier nanoindenter was specifically designed to deliver industry-leading, quantitative nanomechanical characterization within a compact platform. Built upon proven Hysitron technology, the TI Premier provides a broad suite of nanoscale mechanical and tribological testing techniques. Routine measurements to advances research can be accomplished utilizing the versatile base configurations of TI Premier, while numerous technique upgrade options are available to meet the demands of your future characterization needs.

  • Capacitive transducer with in-situ SPM imaging
    Automated staging
    Metrology-grade granite
    High-resolution optical imaging
    Versatile sample chuck
    Environmental isolation enclosure
    Advanced control technology
