
Gas analyser for O2 und CO2 Concentration MAT1500

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Code: #18989

Supplier: A.KRÜSS Optronic GmbH

A.KRÜSS gas analysers provide fast, reliable measurement results. They are used by many companies for the quality inspection in the lab but also at the production line if sensitive or perishable products are filled or packaged. Our Modified Atmosphere Testers (MAT) are suitable for both the random sampling and the permanent monitoring of the gas mixture used on packaging machines. -


  • Typical applications

    Because of its excellent accuracy of ±0.001 volume per cent with the lowest O2 concentrations, the MAT1400 with its zirconium dioxide sensor is primarily used to test oxygen free modified atmospheres for sterilised finished products or electronic, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products. Thanks to its wide measurement range between 0 and 100 volume per cent, it can also be used for high oxygen concentrations as required for red fresh meat. The non-dispersive infrared sensor with its wide measurement range between 0 and 50 volume per cent  is suitable for most applications of carbon dioxide in modified atmospheres. Its high accuracy of ±0.5 volume per cent CO2 always ensures precise measurement results. A typical application of the MAT1500 is the control of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the following products:

    • Fresh meat
    • Sausages
    • Raw fish
    • Shellfish and molluscs
    • Poultry
    • Carbonated soft drinks
    • Convenient

  • SCALESOxygen
    Carbon dioxide
    Any number of user-defined scales
    OXYGEN (O2)
    ACCURACY±0.001 vol% (< 1 vol%)
    ±0.01 vol% (< 6 vol%)
    ±0.1 vol% (< 35 vol%)
    ±0.4 vol% (> 35 vol%)
    RESOLUTION0.001 vol%
    ACCURACY±0,5 vol%
    RESOLUTION0,1 Vol.-%
    ARITHMETIC DETERMINATIONResidual content of the gas mixture
    TYPEZirconium dioxide sensor ((ZrO2)
    MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLEPotentiometric measurement
    SERVICE LIFEUnlimited
    CROSS-SENSITIVITYCross-sensitive toward inflammable gases
    TYPETwo-channel NDIR sensor
    MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLEInfrared spectroscopy
    SERVICE LIFEUnlimited
    CROSS-SENSITIVITYNot affected by moisture
    DRIFTLow drift < 1 %/month

  • Fitted with a zirconium dioxide sensor and a nondispersive infrared sensor, the MAT1500 is our number one when it comes to the range of application, performance and precision. The measurements are completed within only approx. ten seconds. As is the case with the MAT1400,  highly precise results can be achieved with single measurements of oxygen concentrations thanks to the min/max detection even if only a small sample volume is available.

    • Easy and intuitively to use via touch-screen – even by untrained personnel
    • Low-drift zirconium dioxide sensor (ZrO2in the measuring range from 0 to 100 vol.-%
    • Low-drift non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) measures CO2 in the measuring range from 0 to 50 vol.% with an accuracy of ± 0.2 vol.%
    • Short measurement period
    • Only a small sample volume required
    • Interface package for convenient transfer of measured values (USB, Ethernet, RS-232)
    • Any number of measurement methods for the monitoring of the measurement process according to method, batch, product and/or production line incl. limit value monitoring
