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ZWCAD Mechanical

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Code: #24273

Supplier: ZWSOFT CO., LTD

Widely used innovative MCAD software.


  • Customizable Drafting Standards
    - Mainstream drawing standards are available and customizable for creating design data that conform to company requirements;
    - Multi-frame and multi-scale drawings are supported so that objects of different frames and scales do not affect one another.
    Libraries of Abundant Standard Parts
    - You can directly use nearly 4,000 parts in 43 categories (machinery, heavy industry, automotive, mold, energy, transportation, water conservancy, chemical, shipbuilding, etc.).
    Intelligent Annotation Saves You 80% of Annotating Time
    - Intelligent Annotation associates sequential numbers with the BOM, simplifying text processing by updating and interacting text data in sync. With one command, 80% of the annotating time is saved.
    Specialized Drawing Tools
    - Specialized tools for drawing, construction, etc. can effectively shorten the time for creating construction geometries and technical entities;
    - Besides, Super Edit allows you to double-click to modify objects, further improving your drawing efficiency.
