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SRPC-RRS Solar Rain Proof Case - Reader Relay Station

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 649
Price : Call

Code: #13279

Supplier: Nomura Engineering Co, LTD

Reader relay station for data communication with rain-proof solar panel.


  • - SRPC-RRS can receive the ID information of the tag in the diversity scheme and transfer the data to various devices.
    - Communication distance is 2 km or more.
    - Built-in low-power radio module "TS02EJ-S mdm4LDM"
    - Rain-proof case
    - Charge capacity of the system of the battery and solar panel is 10Ah.
    - Relay function for data communication.
    - SRPC-RRS is also available as a power supply.
    - SRPC-SPS carries a solar panel, a storage battery, and a 429-MHz low-power radio module. Can be used as a power supply.
    - By using the SRPC-monitor, you can set the SRPC series and check the battery capacity.

  • - Frequency:429.2500~429.7375MHz
    - Channel:3 channels
    - Comm protocol:original protocol
    - Consumption current: 40mA
    - Output voltage:5.0V
    - RF Power:10mW
    - Operating temp.:-10~60℃(non condensing)
    - Size:dimensional outline drawing
    - Weight:1kg
    - Two types of battery.
    - Maximum output power:2000mW
