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Smart CNC machining strategies from 2-axis to 5-axis platform

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Code: #24277

Supplier: ZWSOFT CO., LTD

Intergrated 3D CAD/CAM Solution Powered by Self-Developed 3D Geometric Modeling Kernel - Designed for the whole process of product development - Featuring the fastest kernel for Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling, non-solid mold parting and smart CNC machining strategies from 2-axis to 5-axis


  • Intelligent 2-Axis Milling
    - Hole & 2-Axis Tactics can help generate manufacturable toolpaths automatically, cutting programming time by 70%.
    Productive 3-Axis Milling
    • More than 40 types of machining operations are available to facilitate efficient machining, so that you can deal with all kinds of manufacturing work at ease.
    • No matter on Nurbs or STL geometry, desired toolpaths, or even undercut toolpaths can be easily generated.
    Advanced 4-Axis and 5-Axis Milling
    • 5-axis milling provides a complete solution for indexing and 4 to 5-axis machining, and it's also able to work with STL file.
    • Comprehensive functions, like Swarf, Drive Curve, Drive Surface, Flow Cut, Side Cut and Point Control are available to extend machining capabilities for different scenarios.
    Reliable Verification and Simulation
    Numerous verification and simulation tools are delivered to ensure feasible, reliable and safe machining.
    • Solid Verify can be used to simulate the actual machining process and analyze the excess materials, realizing reliable and efficient machining.
    • Analysis functions help detect collisions and gouges between tools and stocks, tables, clamps, etc.
    • The accurate calculation of the minimum tool hang length ensures the safety of machining.
    Easy-to-Customize Post Processor
    ZW3D Post offers advanced post-processing capabilities to convert cutter location data (APT-CL) into machine-specific codes (GM codes) required by CNC machines. All classes of 3 to 5-axis milling machines are supported.

  • Piping Design Module
    - With this newly added module, it is more convenient than ever to design pipes with flexible routing ways, a vivid display of flow direction, rigorous specifications, powerful editing functions, etc. (not available in some countries/regions)
    Sketch Block
    - Turn objects into sketch blocks and create new objects by inserting blocks and quickly changing their sizes.
    3D Sketch
    - Objects in a 3D sketch are three-dimensional, can be captured or constrained, and support the use of Intelligent Point Reference. You can directly use 3D sketches as contours, paths, curves, etc. for modeling.
    Geometry Healing
    - Analyze and quickly repair abnormal conditions (e.g. open edges, gaps, duplicate faces, intersection loops) found in the geometry of imported files.
    Layer Manager
    - Quickly sort and organize model features in 3D: easily arrange layers via the Category attribute; control and edit layers with the Filter and Select Object in Layer functions.
    Customize Features
    - Create one feature with all features of some geometries so that you can easily reuse features and avoid repetitive work.
    Intelligent Design Tools
    - Raster images can be embossed on the surface of your model nice and quick with the Emboss command. Morph and Winding can be used for objects, surfaces, and STL models.
    3D BOM
    - The attribute information of all parts can be displayed in rows and columns of a 3D BOM, edited, and directly exported to 2D engineering drawings.
    Batch Rename
    - You can modify part names in batches with Rename Assembly without changing the assembly structure to rapidly morph serialized assembly items.
    Flexible Sub-Assembly
    - By changing the degrees of freedom of the sub-assembly in the general assembly, you can continue changing the sub-assembly components with DOF in the general assembly.
    (Dis)assembly of Sub-Assemblies
    - You can disassemble and drag the sub-assembly components, turn components into a sub-assembly, or save the sub-assembly as a new file or new object.
    Automatic Annotation
    - Efficiently generate linear/diameter/radius/hole dimensions and so on with all the objects in a view or annotate the selected objects.
    PMI Annotation
    - You can add annotations to the 3D model. All the PMI objects can be listed in the view manager and directly exported to 2D engineering drawings.
    Sheet Metal Design
    - Complex sheet metal design can be completed with Bend, Loft, Louver, Punch, etc. The imported files can be converted into sheet metal parts for unfolding, bending, or design. The advanced FastBlank functions allow you to generate the unfolded effect.
    Reverse Engineering
    - Prepare point cloud data for surface generation by deleting, trimming, dividing, simplifying the imported point cloud. A perfect mesh can be created from the processed point cloud and automatically converted into a NURBS surface.
