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Quantitative analysis of X-ray texture data software

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Code: #24772

Supplier: Malvern Panalytical Ltd

Quantitative analysis of X-ray texture data.


  • Texture is Malvern Panalytical’s software package that enables you to analyze, calculate and visualize preferred crystallite orientations in all types of polycrystalline materials. An extensive range of graphical display options includes special 3D presentation modes for interpreting pole figures and orientation distribution function (ODF) plots.

  • Full range of texture calculations
    Texture calculates the ODF using the WIMV method. Pole figure measurements obtained from polycrystalline materials with a cubic, hexagonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, tetragonal or monoclinic crystal symmetry can be used as input. The sample symmetry used in the calculations in the pole figure measurements is either orthorhombic or triclinic. Prior to the ODF calculations the pole figures can be corrected for background intensity and for defocusing aberrations. Pole figures as well as inverse pole figures can be reconstructed from the ODF results.
    Graphical representation
    Special graphical windows, Views, are used to observe and to analyze texture-related data: pole figures, correction curves and ODFs.
    Pole figures can be shown in four different graphical styles: 1D, 2D in Wulff or Schmidt projection, 2.5D (cylindrical) and 3D (spherical) views.
    ODFs can be displayed in 2D or in 3D (iso-surface) styles, with axes according to Bunge or Roe notations.
    Correction curves for background and defocusing are displayed in 1D as a function of the tilt angle.
    Data handling
    Texture supports Malvern Panalytical’s XRDML data format. Calculated data can be exported to rw1 and cor formats as well as copied for transfer via the clipboard to other software packages such as Microsoft Excel.
