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Quantify software

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Code: #24762

Supplier: Malvern Panalytical Ltd

Simple calibration-line base XRD phase qualification.


  • Quantify delivers complete, automated quantitative calibration-line based XRD phase analysis including measurement, data extraction and correction routines. Using all currently accepted analytical models, Quantify incorporates as many as ten calibration models and a wealth of intensity correction methods.
    Capable of working independently or with other software like Data Collector, Quantify accepts peak-intensity measurements and integrated-area measurements. It saves scans in Malvern Panalytical's open XRDML data format, and stores quantitative results in a Microsoft Access database. Measurement and analysis are independent of each other, so Quantify can also evaluate data off-line, allowing users to extract and/or analyze relevant intensities from previously acquired measurements.

  • Current version
    Version 1.2
    Recommended configuration
    - Quantify software itself is tested to run correctly on Windows 10, Windows 7 Professional edition (64-bit) and on Windows XP Professional edition (32-bit) with SP3.
    - Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later should be installed on your system for displaying the Help topics.
    - Adobe Acrobat Reader or an equivalent PDF file viewer should be installed on your system for displaying the Quick Start Guides and the generated reports in PDF format.
    - For handling of large quantities of data 4 GB of RAM is recommended.
    Minimum configuration
    The minimal PC configuration to run the software can be found on the Microsoft Internet site:
    - Windows 7
    - Windows XP
