
Protein Analyser | Kjeldahl

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Code: #20859

Supplier: Bastak Instruments

Analysis of proteic nitrogen in organic substances as: nourishing products, fertilizers, seeds, beer, meat, sauces, water, petroleum, etc.

Sample pretreatment (hydrolysis) for fat extraction.


  • Control of the system by microprocessor with LCD screen.

    20 user free programs.

    Additionally, the system has two fixed programs:
    – Ammonium sulphate test.
    – Preheating of the system.

    Quick and safe manipulation of samples.

    Integrated support for sample tubes enabling an easier cooling.

    Sample size solids: 5 g (macro), 1 g (micro). Liquids: 15 ml (macro), 3 ml (micro).


    Components supplied with the equipment

    Test tube rack with support (tubes included).

    One fume collector with support.

  • Measurement range: from 0,1 to 200 mg of N.

    Nitrogen recovery: > 99,5%.

    Reproducibility: ± 1%.

    Distillation time: 4 min/100 ml.

    Cooling water consume: 1,2 l/min.

    Power: 2000 W (100%).

    Programs: 20 user free.


    Programmable parameters and values

    Water for dilution: 0-240 ml.

    NaOH solution: 0-240 ml

    Reaction time (delay): 0-30 min.

    Distillation time: 0-30 min or indefinite.

    Steam power regulation: 30-100%.

  • 20 user programs.

    Pump calibration by end-user.

    Electric steam generator with water level control.

    Open door sensor.

    Programmable start.

    Built in microprocessor: Nine user free programs. All programs can have up to 18 steps for heating/incubation.
