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Priva Analytic Software

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Code: #26569

Supplier: Priva. BV

Priva Analytics: easily create and share data reports.


  • Priva Analytics makes valuable building data easily accessible. You do not need to go digging to find trends, simply select the data points you are interested in, select how you want to view them, how often, and finally, who you want to share with.
    You can easily generate weekly reports on room temperatures to share with building users, or monthly reports showing boiler performance compared to the outside temperature for maintenance, or even aquifer measurements for regulators. You can generate the reports in minutes and automatically receive them in your inbox.
    Priva Analytics is part of our Priva Digital Services Suite. For more information on our full portfolio of Digital Services and our wide range of plans

  • You can now send tailored KPI reports directly to stakeholders as comprehensive CSV files.
    Proactively share important data in CSV format to keep stakeholders informed on the building's performance.
    - You can share relevant data with trusted bodies (Government criteria) in an efficient way
    - You can present your ecological footprint (energy consumption, room temperatures, air quality) quickly and regularly
    - Automatically send the values of any trending data point, such as device temperatures, room temperatures, air quality and consumption meters
    - Automatically send it to any email address on a recurring basis
    - Choose from a range of periods: daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly
    New data point picker available for Priva Analytics
    With great enthusiasm we can announce several improvements for Priva Analytics.
    - The user is able to search based on text input. Users can also search with multiple words to get a better, more precise search. they can find things faster
    - The user is able to filter based on unit
    - The user is able to see everything more easily without having to click through many layers

  • Optimize energy consumption
    Gain insight into the operations of your building management systems and optimize where needed.
    Simple, periodic reports
    Indicate when and how often you would like to receive a report.
    Generate your own reports from the available data with a few clicks.
    Save time and money
    Gain insights that will allow you to run your building more efficiently.
