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Nitrogen Generators

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Code: #13986

Supplier: LabTech Srl

LabTech develops innovative gas generators that can be used whenever high-quality nitrogen gas and rapid flow changes are required. The LN series meets the “Green Lab Conditions” regulations by using ecofriendly materials. By adapting new technologies and innovations in order to maintain a high reliability level, all of the production steps are focused to offer high-quality and customized solutions to meet any requirements. The LN series is designed especially for analytical, medical and industrial use, providing an accurate control of the supply of nitrogen gas.


  • - Complete Range of Gas Flow-Rates
    - Built-in Low Noise Air Compressor
    - Compact Dimensions
    - Nitrogen Purity 99.9995%
    - Auto-Run Function
    - Energy Saving Mode
    - Outlet Flow Indicator
    - Trend Graphs
    - Service Alarms
    - Remote Access to Screen
    - Unique Touch Screen Interface
    - Oxygen Sensor (optional)
    Main applications:
    - GC
    - General laboratory
    - ICP
    - Evaporative light-scattering detection (ELSD)
    - LC/MS
    - Automated Nitrogen Concentrator

