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MBL76 Bar loader

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Price : Call

Code: #26912

Supplier: INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

Bar loading magazine for optimal turning results MBL76
Fast bar change and precise guidance


  • - Shortest setup times through good and ergonomic accessibility and quick-change guide bushings
    - Convenient loading height, loading during machining possible
    - Mineral cast body for a very high degree of rigidity and damping
    - Purely electrical, thus no hydraulic and pneumatic connections required
    - Shorter design than comparable magazines
    - The magazine is available in two bar lengths (3.2 m and 4.2 m)
    Bar loader for best turning results
    - Backlash-free guidance of the bar in rolling bearings, with diameter-specific plastic sleeves
    - Top machining results in terms of surface and tolerances – even with shaped material
    - Precise alignment of the bar stock to the spindle center
    - Fast bar change through intelligent process flow and fast axis movements
    - Automated measurement of bar length
