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Long Gauge Length Axial Extensometers – Model 3542L

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Code: #29364


  • The dual flexure design makes the 3542L very rugged and insensitive to vibrations. These extensometers are testing a wide range of materials including metals, plastics, composites and ceramics. Epsilon’s Model 3543 is for applications requiring long gauge lengths and larger measuring ranges. The Model 3542L comes standard with Epsilon’s quick attach kit, making it easy to mount the extensometer of specimen. The quick attach kit can be removed, allowing mounting of the extensometer with springs or rubber. The 3542L extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for transducers. Most often they are connected to a test machine controller. The signal conditioning electronics for extensometer is typically included with the test machine controller or may often be added. In this case the extension shipped with the proper connector and wiring to plug directly into the electronics. For systems lacking the requirement electronics, Epsilon can provide a variety of solutions, allowing the extensometer output to be connected to data boards, chart recorders or other equipment.
