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MBL22-6/ 22-8/ 24-6/ 32-6/ 40-6/ 40-8 Bar loading magazine

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Price : Call

Code: #26913

Supplier: INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

Bar loader for the INDEX multi-spindle automatic lathe.


  • Guiding principle
    Hydrodynamic guide of bars in oil-flooded channels made of sliding bearing material
    - The channels are adapted to the bar diameter with plastic reducers (bearing half-shells). Simple clip fasteners facilitate the setup of the bearing half shells.
    - This results in optimum guidance of the bar stock.
    - The guiding principle is suitable also for polygon bars.


  • + The bars are drilled in parallel to the main time of the machine, which allows for very quick bar changes
    + In many cases, higher maximum speeds possible
    + Setting up the loading side and drilling unit during production
    + Material feeding on the loading side and setup of the drilling unit during production
    + Easy access through large doors on the front
    + Vibration-damping design
    + Feeding bars in all positions by the NC motor
    + Bar loading magazine in 2 versions:
    - Version 3300: Bar length from 1500 - 3300 mm
    - Version 4300: Bar length from 2000 - 4300 mm
