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MaxiTPMS TS501 sensor

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Code: #28934


  • The MaxiTPMS TS501 is capable of wirelessly diagnosing TPMS problems as well as activate any known OEM / Universal TPMS sensors, ID clone or reprogram sensors to the vehicle's ECU, and turn off warning lights. The TS501 comes packaged as a complete kit with 8 Autel MX-Sensors, to offer several sensor options for immediate project needs.
    At-A-Glance TPMS Status Screen
    The single screen organization allows you to easily read direct feedback from all 4 sensors, clearly understand the status of all TPMS features, compare sensor and ECU data, then instantly pinpoint system faults to identify the fix. This At-A-Glance view of all sensor information easily shows the location of which sensor battery is low and needs to be replaced soon.
    Easy To Use Software Operation
    Performing a basic sensor activation or complex diagnostic tool functions, is easy as following the program options and on-screen display instructions. The TS501 provides code definitions and visual / audio responses to make the operations much easier and more convenient to complete.
    OBDII Connected TPMS Diagnostics
    The TS501 can provide relearn procedures for specific sensors and connect with the OBDII cord to the vehicle's ECU to offer multiple programming options including clone sensor IDs, or auto create ID with no sensor re-learn required for sensor positioning.

