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KNM P SERIES Portable measuring machines for gears and diverse components

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Code: #26946

Supplier: KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

KNM P SERIES Portable measuring machines for gears and diverse components.


  • The equipment of the KNM P series has been optimally adapted directly to the production machine according to the specific customer requirements regarding the autonomous measurement of gears, ring-shaped workpieces such as bearing rings, housings etc. The combination of base plate and rotary table in a customised design (docking station) forms a full-featured 4-axis measuring device. Measurements can even be carried out without rotary table directly in the workshop area. In the KNM P machines, specially designed high-precision mechanics add to optimal accessibility with state-of-the-art drive technology (linear motors). The CNC-controlled 3-axis structure allows for checking all gear parameters or general workpiece profiles. Arbitrary workpiece diameters and easy transport are especially worth emphasising. The measuring equipment is placed on a sturdy base connected directly to the production machine or foundation.

  • - X- and Z-axes made of granite with air bearing, thus wear-free operation
    - State-of-the-art software KN inspect for fully automated measurement cycles
    - Base plate (Y-axis) as steel construction with high-precision mechanical bearing
