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HAVER RPT - Rotating Sample Splitter

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Code: #19179

Supplier: Haver & Bocker OHG

The HAVER RPT Rotating Sample Splitter produces representative sample quantities of solids and suspensions at the rate of 1:8, 1:10 or 1:30. It combines three dividing methods in one unit and provide the best possible sample reducing available today with an accuracy of 99.9%. Even heavy flowing materials can be divided with high accuracy.


  • Application examples for the HAVER Rotating Sample Splitter

    • Industrial rocks and minerals
    • Ceramic
    • Granulates
    • Fertilizer and seed

    Mode of operation

    The sample is fed to a dividing cone that emulates the process of quartering and coning. The sample material on its surface is accelerated outwards by rotation and is divided through guide channels into up to 30 individual samples. The individual samples are collected in glass sample bottles. The rotation and number of dividing channels enable that each sample consists of a very large number of individual samples.

    All inclusive

    Feeder, dividing cone and corresponding glass sample bottles are included in delivery of the HAVER RPT:

    • HAVER RPT 1:8   = 8 glass sample bottles 500 ml
    • HAVER RPT 1:10 = 10 glass sample bottles  250 ml
    • HAVER RPT 1:30 = 3 glass sample bottles  15 ml
      (The rest 27 subsamples are collected in 3 receivers.)

  •  HAVER RPT 1:8     HAVER RPT 1:10        HAVER RPT 1:30  
     Max. feed volume    4000 ml       2500 ml       300 ml
     Max. particle size     10 mm        10 mm       2,5 mm
     HopperØ 10 mmØ 10 mmØ 5 mm
     Dimensions 609 x 383 x 660 mm (L x W x H)
     Operating voltage230 Volt or 110 Volt with transformer
     Frequency50-60 Hertz
     Weightapprox. 30 kg

  • Quick and flexible use

    • 3,000 dividing steps per minute.
    • Suitable for dry and wet division.

    Further advantages at a glance

    • Representative test samples.
    • Integrated, infinitely variable vibratory feeder.
    • Prevention of segregations due to sedimentation.
    • Easy handling.
