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FTIR Gas Analyzer (WTE-FTIR-3000) - Stack/Air

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Code: #28843

Supplier: WTE Co., Ltd

FTIR Gas Analyzer (WTE-FTIR-3000) - Stack/Air


  • WTE-FTIR-3000 is a Fourier transform infrared spectroscope that analyzes absorption spectrum in the 800~4500cm⁻¹ range to measure multiple greenhouse gas components simultaneously. This device can be used for both stack and ambient air.
    The target gases include CO, N2O, NO, NO2, SO2, HCl, HF, NH3, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, CH2O, H2O, and CO2.
    The response time (T90) is <60 seconds, and the maximum scan speed is 0.25 seconds. The light path and operating program are optimized to tailor users' needs.

  • Model


    Target Gas

    CO, N2O, NO, NO2, SO2, HCl, HF, NH3, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C2H4, CH2O, H2O, CO2


    WTE Co., Ltd.

    Measuring Principle

    FTIR(Fourier Transform lnfrared) Spectroscopy


    Simultaneous Analysis of more than 7 gas components(up to 50 gas components)

    Operating Temperature

    10~40 (optimum: 15~25 at non-condensing)

    Response Time(T90)

    <60 sec, (with 10m heated line)

    Flow Rate

    Typical 3L/minute ( 1L/minute ~ 5L/minute)

    LDL(Lower Detectable Limit)

    0.08 ppm/SO2, 0.13 ppm/NH3, 0.52 ppm/NO, 0.31 ppm/HCl, 0.46 ppm/HF

    Linearity Deviation

    < 2% of full range(the full range depends on the gas component)

    Zero Drift

    <2% of full range during 24 hours

    Analog Input/Output

    4~20mA, isolated, 8 channel

    Digital Input/Output

    24 VDC, 16 channel


    TCP/IP. RS422



    Power Consumption

    7.5kW (including heated line)


    483(W) x 266(D) x 636(H)
