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FB2200 Focused Ion Beam System

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Code: #16798

Supplier: Hitachi Asia (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

The FB2200 allows for rapid and precise specimen preparation for both transmission and scanning electron microscopy of semiconductors and other advanced materials.


  • - High precision and high milling rates: The use of a new low aberration ion optical system allows a maximum beam current of 60nA at an accelerating voltage of 40 kV.
    - A wide range of beam energies: Operators can choose the optimum operating voltage (or beam energy) for milling and microscopy to best suit the specimen.
    - Site specific micro-sampling preparation from bulk samples is achieved in a completely dry vacuum environment allowing preparation of samples free from foreign particles, oxidation, charging and other problems
    - Sample Holder Compatibility to Hitachi (S)TEM, SEM allows an easy re-work of pre-prepared specimen if this should be required.

  • Accelerating Voltage

    10 - 40 kV
    2 and 5 kV optionally available

    Maximum beam current
    (high beam current optional)

    60nA at 40 kV

    Maximum beam current density

    50A/cm2 at 40 kV

    SIM image resolution

    6 nm or better at 40 kV

    Micro Sampling System for in-situ
    TEM lamella extraction


    Deposition systems

    W, C dual system

    Auto-fabrication software

    incl. milling position correction

    Eucentric Auto-Stage (2 types) for larger specimen

    Allows sample holder compatibility to SEM

    Side Entry Stage (3 types)

    Allows sample holder compatibility to TEM, HD, S-5500
