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Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometers - AZtecOne / AZtecOneGO

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Code: #16782

Supplier: Hitachi Asia (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

The AZtecOne system combines the simple-to-use yet powerful software and the proven stability and accuracy of a Silicon Drift Detector. *Typical Configration TM3030Plus with AZtecOne *Built-in EDX detector


  • - All the necessary tools at hand to complete the task quickly and with ease.
    - Focusing on getting results out as quickly as possible: rapid set-up, real-time results display, reports just a click of a button away...
    - Working hard behind the scenes so users don’t have to worry about pulse pile-ups, overlapping peaks and other potential artifacts.
    - Available using 2 different detectors; 30 mm2(AZtecOne) / 10 mm2(AZtecOneGO)
    - TruMap (AZtecOne) ensures that the real data distribution is shown on X-ray maps and LineScans.
    Easy and Intuitive
    Equipped with 5 navigation buttons, each of which are designed to help you perform tasks quickly and easily
    1. Specimen details
    2. Image acquisition 
    3. Mapping
    4. Spectrum acquisition
    5. LineScan
    AZtecOne TruMap
    TruMap is a unique real-time mapping solution that takes advantage of the increased counts generated by the latest SDD detectors, offering a new level of data integrity.
    - Eliminates artifacts
    - Corrects element overlaps
    - Removes false variations due to X-ray background
    - Everything operates in real-time

  • Items





    Detector type

    Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)

    Detection area

    30 mm2

    10 mm2

    Energy resolution

    158 eV(Cu-Kα)
    (equivalent to 137 eV with MnKα)

    151 eV(Cu-Kα)
    (equivalent to 129 eV with MnKα)

    Detection element


    Qualitative analysis

    Auto ID and manual ID

    Quantitative analysis

    Standardless quantitative analysis

    Point & ID(Beam control)

    Standard Map / Line scan

    TruMap / TruLine
