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Datanote ERP for production management

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Code: #24962

Supplier: Safal Infosoft Pvt. Ltd.

Datanote ERP for production management.


  • DataNote ERP Framework ensures effective operations & production management while streamlining and integrating all the resources required to produce goods and services. With DataNote ERP, manufacturers can effectively manage and optimize resources to meet customer-driven deadlines, configure products to order, manage inventory more effectively and run the production floor more efficiently.
    DataNote ERP Framework features a Planning module that manages production planning, inventory, material, plant capacity, forecast data etc. With the Production module, Production processes become much more coordinated, collaborative, and streamlined, enabling manufacture to increase value creation throughout production. Drag-and-drop scheduling and capacity planning lets you immediately identify and fix shortages and overloads with a click of the mouse. Manufacture can view day-to-day work center capacity by labor or machine hours on a single, easy-to-read graphical display.
    DataNote ERP Framework has built-in functionality to define the SOP – Standard Operating Procedures to handle more than one production simultaneously. It can also manage and track third party work along with internal production pattern.

  • 1 Multi-bill of materials (commercial, production, etc.)
    2 Product and bill of materials change management
    3 SOP Configuration for each manufacturing processes
    4 Built in material requirement planning (MRP1)
    5 Graphical Machine Availability Check (MRP2)
    6 In House Production & Third Party (Job Work) Production
    7 Collection of labor time at shop floor level
    8 Shop floor tracking workbench
