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DataNote ERP For Office Administration

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Code: #24976

Supplier: Safal Infosoft Pvt. Ltd.

DataNote ERP For Office Administration.


  • DataNote ERP is the best way to store and access information instantly for efficient work in office administration. It gives companies an edge to stay competitive in today’s business environment. The module of DataNote ERP Administration will build the performance of an association.
    Intelligent framework of DataNote ERP designed in such a way it provides a better outline of the business of the administration and financial specialists of the business. Through DataNote ERP management can easily gain an overview of the entire system in brief. ERP system saves a lot of time employees have taken to finish some work like report generation, inventory administration, timesheet management etc. The manual work that employees had to do before, now, can be done automatically with the help of DataNote ERP. It's a great help in time and cost saving with better accuracy.

  • 1 Dynamic data flow design
    2 Multiple template for each voucher / module
    3 Powerful form setting utility
    4 Dashboard customization utility
    5 Multilevel approval authority
    6 Dynamic MIS report utility
