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Datanote ERP for Logistic Management

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Code: #24966

Supplier: Safal Infosoft Pvt. Ltd.

Datanote ERP for Logistic Management.


  • As the eCommerce industry is booming there is a significant demand in the logistic and supply chain industry. The logistics industry takes a leap towards being one of the important industries contributing to the Indian economy.
    DataNote ERP's logistic module can integrate easily into many departments of the logistic industry and bring all the major attributes of a business under a single dashboard to monitor and command. Mostly the logistics network becomes complex, maintaining and planning for the transit schedules becomes more difficult. DataNote ERP integrates the entire process in a simple form. It increases the efficiency of the entire operation cycle and faster the process.c 

  • 1 Credit checking facility for each client
    2 Dispatch advice / packing slip generation
    3 Delivery order / packing list generation
    4 Invoicing generation
    5 Export documentation
    6 Sales returns booking
