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CHRONECT Symbiosis Advanced

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Code: #20524

Supplier: Axel Semrau GmbH & Co. KG

Powerful UHPLC with 1000 bar online SPE


  • The advanced version of CHRONECT Symbiosis enables powerful UHPLC up to 1000 bar.

    This system offers all the advantages of online SPE and simultaneous SPE sample preparation and LC-MS analysis. Additionally, the Online-SPE system is fully compatible with UHPLC columns up to 1000 bar using disposable PEEK-SPE cartridges with 10 x 1 mm ID. Due to the reduced SPE cartridge volumes (8 µL, 10 x 1 mm ID) this system is compatible with the lower UHPLC flow rates without losing UHPLC resolution. Multi-component UHPLC-MS analysis including fully automated sample preparation within 2-4 minutes can be achieved.

    The system offers all the advantages of online SPE to increase assay performance while reducing method development time and manual sample preparation steps. With the Solvent Selector in the SPH1299 pumps and the optional Column Selector in the new Mistral™ you can also run multiple batches under different LC conditions. You can even choose to perform direct injection or extraction without reconfiguring your system hardware. The mixing and dilution routine is handled by the innovative and flexible CHRONECT Robotic Autosampler. Sample preparation steps like the addition of internal standard can also be performed.

    While the cleaning is performed on the left cassette, the SPE-UHPLC-MS can run simultaneously on the right cassette. Forward and backward washing is possible, providing clean samples and high assay sensitivity when performing your multi-component UHPLC analysis. Peak focusing can be realized with mixed SPE cartridges and an additional SPH1299 UHPLC gradient pump.

    CHRONECT Symbiosis is controlled by CHRONOS Symbiosis. CHRONOS controls the entire system in an efficient and intelligent way and increases the sample throughput by overlapping processes. The cartridge is prepared while the analysis is running. CHRONOS organizes the connection to the LC-MS. All CHRONECT Symbiosis systems process multiple batches quickly and reliably with highest analytical performance, completely unattended.

    • Two systems in one. Automated UHPLC injections and sample preparation for UHPLC-MS analysis
    • Two different and separate sample injection loops for UHPLC injections & SPE cartridge sample loading
    • SPH1299 UHPLC gradient pump with 2 x 2 solvent selections
    • ACE double terminal 1000 bar, 4x UHPLC valves
    • HPD MIX 1x SSM / Organizer, Mistral Cool
    • CHRONECT Robotic LSI-Autosampler with second valve
    • CHRONOS-Symbiosis for control

    With additional options

    • Mistral CS Cool UHPLC for easy column handling
    • Sample cooling with Peltier stacks (4 to 40 °C)
    • Solvent module with 3 additional solvents for CHRONECT Robotic sampler
    • Higher capacity with more racks
    • Better mixing with a whirl or agitator
    • Integration into workflows with 2D barcode reader

    Many other options are available.

    • Fully automatic and unattended switching between UHPLC-MS and SPE-UHPLC-MS
    • Simultaneous SPE sample cleanup and online SPE UHPLC MS analysis, reducing sample preparation time to zero
    • Standardized and fast method development
    • Easy to optimize SPE method protocols that reduce LC-MS ionization suppression and sample carryover
    • LC peak focusing mode using mixed-mode SPE protocols for efficient and cleaner sample preparation
    • LC peak focusing mode (with additional UHPLC pump) using mixed-mode SPE protocols for efficient and cleaner sample preparation
    • Sample loops with variable injection volume. Standard: 100 µL
    • Automatic UHPLC solvent compressibility compensation and automatic flushing and priming functions
    • Fast Wash of the syringe, aspire and dispense
    • Internal standard addition
