
Automated Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) System

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Code: #20285

Supplier: Aurora Biomed


  • VERSA automated Solid Phase Extraction systems (also known as automated SPE systems) fully automate SPE workflows from cartridge conditioning to sample derivatization. With the combination of the ReagentDrop™ dispenser, Heater-Shaker, Gripper, and Nitrogen Dryer, VERSA automated solid phase extraction (SPE) systems act to produce contamination-free sample pre-processing and trace analyte enrichment before performing sample analysis by a chromatography-based platform (HPLC, GCMS, HPLC-MS, etc).

    The VERSA line of automated SPE systems are highly scalable for different throughputs and budgets. From the compact VERSA 10 to the highly customizable VERSA 1100, they can boost productivity in applications ranging from forensics, environmental samples, pharmaceutical compound analysis (ADME), metabolomics, and food safety.

  • Deck Capacity15
    Pipetting Head

    (Single Channel Function, Disposable Tip)

    4 or 8 channel
    ReagentDrop up to 8
    Supported Cartridges 1, 3 or 6 mL cartridges or 96 SPE cartridge plate
    Gripper Gripper
    Pressure Module(s) 4 channel positive pressure module and/or vacuum manifold (negative pressure)
    Nitrogen Dryer 24 or 96 channels
    Shaker-Heater (2400rpm, RT to 90°C) Optional
    Reagent Block Cooler Optional
    Liquid Level Sensing Optional for Liquid Liquid Extraction
    HEPA/UV/LED Enclosure Included
    Width x Depth x Height (cm) 99 x 75 x 90
    Weight (kg) 162

    • Capable of performing Automated Liquid Liquid Extraction on the same workstation
    • Compatibility with organic and aqueous reagents
    • Exhaust system available to remove volatile organic fumes
    • HEPA/UV/LED Enclosure – keeps samples contamination-free
    • Unparalleled Customer Service – our engineering team is readily available to troubleshoot your protocols
