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ACCU-REEL Professional water sampling System

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Price : Call

Code: #27385

Supplier: JS INTEGER Co., Ltd.

ACCU-REEL Professional has various functions that can make sampling work accurate and convenient.


    BLDC Deceleration Motor
    The Brushless Deceleration Motor ensures excellent durability and performance.
    Safety proximity sensor
    The messenger launcher is equipped with a proximity sensor that helps to prevent collision when reaching the top.
    A discharge prevention circuit is installed in the high-performance battery and the remaining amount can be checked through the indicator.
    Rotary Encoder
    The rotary encoder and the precisely crafted wheel enable accurate measurement of distance.
    Numerical Control Board
    The preset depth can be reached by mounting a numerical control board and depth can be measured up to mm unit.
    Reel Screw
    The reel screw prevents tangling of the rope and winding issues.

  • - Water Sampling can be done without any effort using an electric motor. This in turn can prevent safety and industrial accidents.
    - Automatic sampling is enabled through the water depth setting of the numerical control system, so there is no possibility of mistakes when reaching the surface layer. This makes water sampling very convenient.
    - The numerical control and rotary encoder allow you to measure water depth very precisely, thereby improving the accuracy of sampling.
    - Semi-permanent model with high-quality batteries and components.
