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ZAcube with Premium Optimizer

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Code: #23134

Supplier: Ziehl Abegg AG

Cubed – flexible – highly efficient. The new ZAcube fan system. With a few simple steps, you can now effortlessly create a highly efficient fan formation in a variety of shapes and sizes, precisely according to your requirements. Up to five levels can be stacked on top of one another. Manual mounting is easy thanks to simple connecting devices on the modules with standard screws. The modules are self-supporting and can therefore be mounted without additional reinforcement measures. Smooth surfaces and no sharp edges make the ZAcube is easy to clean. The ZAcube is suitable for common standard filter dimensions, cost-effective and ideal in planning.


  • Product specification:
    Stackable fan module system with built-in Premium Optimizer for maximum efficiency with reduced acoustics. Modules contain free-running Cpro impeller with 7 backward-curved, fluted blades in dimensions 315 to 560 mm. Impeller made of high performance ZAmid composite material. Volume flow rate of up to around 17,500 m³/h free blowing, max. static pressure increase up to 2,100 Pa possible. Modules for easy handling and creation of a fan configuration for horizontal air feed in RLT equipment or for retrofitting on older equipment.
    Properties & special features:
    - ZAcube modules contain the Premium Optimizer. This ensures a substantially improved flow pattern at the module outlet to increase ventilation performance. At the same time, the acoustics are significantly improved. The flow to downstream components is homogeneous, which means that their distance from the fan can be reduced.
    - The module design of the ZAcube fans allows for fast and easy assembly of a fan configuration. Fans can be stacked up to 5 levels and operated parallel to each other.
    - The modules have smooth surfaces with no sharp edges and, thanks to a click system on the Premium Optimizer, provide excellent accessibility and easy cleaning to meet the strictest hygienic demands.
    - Standardised connecting screws are supplied with every ZAcube, enabling them to be easily connected to one another. The surrounding flange level allows the ZAcube modules to be sealed off from one another to ensure leak-free operation of the fan configuration.
    - The advantages of the space-optimised design of the ZAcube modules are noticeable even during transportation and handling.

    Motor concepts:
    External rotor motors:
    - ECblue technology: with integrated controller tailored to the fan
