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Wastewater treatment system - New Biotank

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Code: #15475

Vietnamese version

Supplier: Mekong Technology Co., Ltd

Okamura New Biotank ® wastewater treatment system is based on the Johkasou advanced septic tank in Japan. Johkasou is a domestic waste water treatment system can treat all wastewater generated from kitchen, sanitation and bathing.


  • The operating principle of the system is based on the biological wastewater treatment method. With its special design, New Biotank ® wastewater treatment system can be fully automated in terms of fluctuations of raw water capacity and quality:
    •    ANAEROBIC CHAMBER: Sewage water comes from Kitchen and Toilet, then, they are separated as SOLID and LIQUID. With the support of contact media, ANAEROBIC MICROORGANISMS growing up and do their responsibility to decompose the organic substances of sewage water. The process is called FIXED BED BIO-FILTRATION.
    •    ANAEROBIC CHAMBER: It repeats the same processing as 1st. anaerobic chamber. This repeating process ensures completely treatment by microorganism. Also, the process of DENITRIFICATION is going very well at this chamber.
    •    AERATION CHAMBER: This process is a splendid function to do nitrification process effectively. The AEROBIC MICRO-ORGANISM expedites to further decompose by oxygen supplied by blower. The process is called MOVING BED BIO-FILTRATION.
    •    SEDIMENTATION CHAMBER: The supernatant water will go through out. And remaining sludge will be returned to No.1 Anaerobic chamber as an NUTRIENT SOURCE and for completely proceed the denitrification process.
    •    DISINFECTION CHAMBER: Treated by disinfection and go through out.

  • •    Output BOD <20 mg / L
    •    Meet QCVN 14: 2008 standards
    •    No risk of leakage
    •    Easy operation
